As followers of Jesus, the fight for racial justice is integral to who we are. To help members in their work toward achieving racial justice, we have put together an Anti-Racist Resource List.  

Any analysis of the Gospel which does not begin and end with God’s liberation of the oppressed is in fact unchristian. - Dr. James Cone (God of the Oppressed)

Anti-Racism Recommended Reading

White Fragility- Robin Diangelo

Uprooting Racism- Paul Kivel

How To be an anti racist- ibram x. kendi

between the world and me- ta nehisi coates

race talk and the CONSPIRACY of silence- derald wing sue

choke hold-paul butler

jesus and the disinherited- howard thurman

strength to love- dr martin luther king jr

trouble i’ve seen- dr drew g.i. hart

god of the oppressed- james cone

im still here- austin channing brown
