Jesus said the greatest among us is the servant of all. We find Jesus among the poor, needy, downtrodden, and destitute. In the kingdom of God greatness is not found in elevating yourself, but in doing something for someone else.
Justice is working for the good of all, working to set things right in society.
The work of our Social Justice ministry, which flows from God’s love for humanity, is focused on restoring lives and sustainable social transformation in our city, region, and around the world.
Some of the ways to participate in justice are:
> Awareness:
God's heart is always with the poor and those in need. We do not "take God" to those in need. God is already there.
> Learning:
Discover the many opportunities we have to serve and learn more about the organizations we work with. Learn more about the people in your neighborhood. Learn their name. Listen to their story.
> Reflecting:
How do you feel about working for the good of all? Spend time processing what you are learning.
> Action:
What next steps do you need to take to begin to serve others?
Recommending reading:
When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor...and Yourself by Steve Corbett
Truth Speaks to Power by Walter Brueggemann